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remote worker working

Remotely Connecting and Protecting Your Employees Anytime, Anywhere

Kayla Proell
October 11, 2022
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected society in many ways, including our collective outlook on remote work. While a large number of employees worked remotely pre-pandemic, the number of people primarily working from home tripled from 5.7% (roughly 9 million people) to 17.9% (27.6 million people) from 2019 to 2021, according to new 2021 American Community Survey (ACS) 1-year estimates released by the U.S. Census Bureau on September 15, 2022. Employers are faced with the task of reliably communicating with these remote employees in the most effective ways possible. Companies are looking into digital solutions to help organize and protect employee data.
Maintaining Open Communication
One of the best ways to make your team feel connected is to make them feel heard with open communication. You can hold regular meetings for them to voice any concerns they may have. Let them know that their mental health is important to your organization, and have support tools available to them. You can also consider having a digital reporting system for all employees to report threats or other concerns, such as CrisisGo’s Safety Intervention Manager, so that they can use the system whether they are in person, hybrid, or remote. A digital system keeps data organized and easily accessible at all times.
Managing Incident Scenarios
With employees spread across the globe, you’ll want the ability to contact them if there are any incident scenarios such as severe weather or violent threats. A single, digitally accessible source of information keeps everybody aligned. You can use software that pushes out messages from incident management teams based on location. For example, if there is an impending hurricane affecting an area where a portion of your workforce lives, you can send them a warning message and log revised work hours for them for that day if necessary due to the need to seek shelter or a power outage.
Staying Connected at All Times
In order for your organization to succeed with employees in various locations, you must ensure that everyone stays connected. The better-armed a workforce is with real-time and remote collaboration tools, the more productive employees and teams will be. You can install apps on corporate devices and have the employees install the same app on their personal devices, so that they can receive important communications from any location, even when they are traveling. To ensure full compliance and comprehension, you can choose software that offers virtual training an IT support for employees.
Keeping Employee Data Secure
For example, Elsevier, a Netherlands-based publishing and data analytics company with a large global presence, strengthened its internal communications capabilities with CrisisGo’s alerts and check-ins in 2021. All of the data is highly secure as CrisisGo offers Elsevier the ability to communicate with employees without collecting phone numbers, e-mails, or contact information. Many countries involved with Elsevier are susceptible to environmental challenges, so having CrisisGo installed on personal and corporate devices has made safety more reliable and accessible. The safety of all staff is assessed in real-time with check-in buttons and location-based messages. You can read more about this effective approach in our customer success story.
Remote work is becoming more and more standard. You can optimize employee productivity by keeping open lines of communication and seamless connectivity. Ease your employees’ minds by ensuring that their data is secure, protecting them from all types of incidents, and providing them with mental health support. If you choose the right solutions to carefully protect and connect your remote employees, they will succeed anytime and anywhere.

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